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Showing 71-80 of 185
- Offices of chartered accountants and lawyers are not covered under the ambit of the ESI Act 0 Downloads
- Labour court cannot pass an interim order restraining employer from imposing punishment 0 Downloads
- Assessment would be set aside in the absence of finding about joint declaration for coverage 0 Downloads
- Condition of depositing some amount for staying orders under sections 14b and 7q is valid if made to protect the interest of employees 0 Downloads
- Employer is not liable to pay EPF dues to workers of the contractor when they have not been identified 0 Downloads
- Show cause notice issued by EPF authorities without jurisdiction will be quashed 0 Downloads
- EPF authority cannot attach personal bank account of the director for recovery of EPF dues 0 Downloads
- Order passed under 7q of the EPF Act., without providing personal hearing, is illegal. 0 Downloads
- Mere common ownership when salaries were paid separately wouldn”t lead to clubbing of establishments 0 Downloads
- Attendance allowance and performance allowance are excluded from ”basic wages” under the EPF Act 0 Downloads