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Showing 31-40 of 185
- Termination for embezzlement is not disproportionate when employee was implicated in 52 enquiries 0 Downloads
- Civil court can grant reinstatement and back-wages in exceptional cases 0 Downloads
- Workman cannot directly approach the supreme court for relief against termination. 0 Downloads
- Acquittal in criminal case would not nullify punishment awarded in the departmental proceedings 0 Downloads
- Amount misappropriated by the employee cannot be recovered from gratuity 0 Downloads
- Employee having officers senior to him but supervising work of two juniors would not be a ‘workman’ 0 Downloads
- No retrospective contribution by employer to pension fund over statutory limits after employ-ees’ retirement 0 Downloads
- Section 7a order to be set aside in the absence of gazette notification covering industry not mentioned under schedule i of the EPF Act 0 Downloads
- Employees list prepared by inspecting officer, with names of outsiders brought by union, is in-admissible 0 Downloads
- Banks would be covered under the EPF act even if they do not have more than one branch 0 Downloads